Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Arriving at the show

Still working on Episode 1. The last scene is a killer, both on my animating abilities and on my computer's resources! Here's a snapshot from the last set - a couple of elves have just arrived at the arts show...

Dancing, painting, music, and that special art at which the citizens of Eros are so accomplished. It's sure to be quite a show!

More to come soon!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Finally, the (late) Valentine's Day Video!

Some progress -
I finally managed to get my Valentine's video uploaded and processed! The sound is completely jacked, so I'd recommend just turning it off, and playing your own favorite song instead. You won't be missing anything - it's just some background music. No dialog in this one!

So, here it it - A fairy spies a sorceress basking in the sun at the side of a pond. He thinks he's going to get some action, but ends up just getting to watch the fun take place (but offering a little helping hand when needed!).

Sorceress and Naiad brought to you by PornHub

I've got a help ticket sent in to the PornHub peeps, so hopefully I'll get the sound issues worked out in time for the "official" first episode of Natural Powers!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


After some raslin' with my animation program, I finally got the "Valentine's" video done! So, better late than never! I thought I would just post it to xhamster and embed it on the blog, but now it's telling me it can take up to 4 days for them to encode it! So, I'll post it up here as soon as it goes live. In the meantime, if anybody knows of a better way to post video (of an adult nature) on a blog, please leave me a comment!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Well, dammit.

Well, I wanted to have a quick video done as a Valentine's day card, but the program I use just released a "maintenance update" and completely wigged out! So, in the meantime, here's a picture of some of what I got done before I lost it...

And in the news today, a little reminder - in our world, adults who have any form of contact with  children are not allowed to have a layer of skin underneath their clothing, or to lead others to have the impression that they might, in fact, possess such a layer of skin...
(from Yahoo news)

Friday, February 10, 2012

Meanwhile, In The "Real World"...

In the land of the Eros, gender-equality is not even an issue. Both men and women are seen as parts of a whole, distinct yet interconnected. Some more suited to one task or another, perhaps, but none could exist without the other.

If only our own world could see things in the same light.

No, in our world, in order for one thing/person/place/idea to be "good", the opposite must be "bad". So, for centuries we had the majority of the world believing that one gender was "superior" to another. Not so long ago, this idea began to be challenged. Unfortunately however, in order to raise one up, another had to be lowered down. So, we enter the age of "man-bashing".  In our world, to be accepting of all women as "beautiful", we must denigrate all men as being "ugly". To see all women as "capable", we must see all men as "inept". It is subtle, but it is rampant. And if we call it out, we are misogynistic. Well, I'm going to call it out.

Case in point...

Here's a screenshot from the latest "Carly and Cupid" ad from T-mobile (red line added by me), in which a man is made to be seen as awkward, inept, ugly, and clueless all because he wants to surprise his valentine. The final dialog has him say, "I feel like I'm missing something," to which Carly replies, "Pants?". Now notice the red line I've added to the picture. They have the exact same hemline in their outfits! Why should he be made to feel stupid for not wearing pants, by someone who is also not wearing pants?

I know, it's a silly little commercial, but in the land of the Eros, he would be called thoughtful and beautiful, and she would offer to accompany him to meet his girlfriend, because the only thing he's missing is someone to watch and whisper sweet songs of love in both their ears as they make passionate love to each other!

And that's much better than a crappy cell phone plan!

Happy Valentine's Day!